BLE with STM32
About Course
Key features of this course
- Comprehensive Courseware with focus on foundations.
- A consistent focus on designing code using MBED API
- Course begins with the study of BLE basics.
- A crash course on ARM MBED is included.
- MIT App Inventor for Android App creation.
- Establish connectivity between the APP and the Board
- Program using Industry leading STM32 B-L475eIOT01A2 Discovery Kit IOT Node.
- Overview of BLE fundamentals.
- Project creation using ARM KEIL Studio and running the code on the target.
- Learn to use GPIO on the STM32 B-L475eIOT01A2 Discovery Kit IOT Node.
- Overview of ARM MBED platform
- Create a Read/Write Event handler for the LED
- Create a Read event handler for the BUTTON
- Setup the project configuration in app.json file
- Generate UUID from the UUID generator from the Internet
- Setup the GATT service UUID
- Setup the GATT characteristic UUID for the BUTTON and LED
- Setup the notification property to notify the change in button status
- Create an account on App Inventor and create your first Android App to setup BLE connection with the kit
- Display the GATT characteristics on the Phone
- Create an App to control the LED status on the board from the phone and show the change in Button status on the App when a Button on the kit is pressed.
- Use the temperature sensor on the board to show the ambient temperature on the APP
- Use the Humidity sensor and show the live changes in the humidity reading on the APP .
Course Content
Hardware and Software
Hardware and Software familiarity
BLE Jump Start
Generic Access Profile
Link layer and Physical layer
Generic Attribute Profile(GATT)
Attribute Protocol (ATT)
Pairing and Bonding
BLE Addresses
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